Sunday, May 16, 2010

Chore Charts

Maddelyn asked me today if she could start doing chores because she wants to fill up her piggy bank. I didnt grow up getting paid to do chores...I just had to do it is hard for me to remember to pay them for the work that they do. I do think that money is a powerful influencing tool, and may be just what I need to get my girls to help out more. Of course then you have to find the balance of how much is too much (with chores and money). But I do think that it is an important thing to offer kids.

I think that maybe if I had been paid for my chores that I would know how to manage my money better. And that is one thing that I want my girls to know. I think every girl should know how to manage money, basic car maintenance, basic cooking skills, sewing skills, how to maintain a home, and be trained in a profession. Now I am not speaking from experience. I am still learning many of those things. But as a parent I want to better prepare my daughters. And as I learn is helping me have the tools to teach them as they get to the appropriate ages.

So the chore list is made...I think. I believe that Maddelyn is old enough to take care of her dog. Feed, play, walk, clean up after, and so that is her number one job. Second she is responsible for maintaining her room; making her bed, cleaning, bringing down her laundry. Third, clearing the table. (Which will help me keep up with the dishes...I hope) And the I added some personal care items that I think she could be better at. So all in all it looks like a long list but I dont thing that it is unreasonable. She will be 8 years old this she should be able to manage these tasks, and not all of them are every day.

Julia's list is more focused on the personal care aspects of things. Right now she needs to learn how to take care of her body and so that is what is mainly on her list. She also has cleaning her room, less push on the bed and laundry for her...those are things I will help with. And then she is also responsible for setting the table. She really enjoys doing that one and that makes me happy that she likes helping out. So maybe I have a head start with her...because she didnt ask for money!

So does this apply to my goal of organizing my life? I think so. I think that if I can get my kids on board that I will have less of a struggle with getting the everyday things done. And maybe I will be able to tackle my laundry room before my anniversary!


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