Thursday, April 29, 2010

Just when you start getting somewhere...

I find that every time I decide that I am really going to get things together....something happens to derail me. Things were going great with getting the house clean, keeping up with the kids, my attitude was better, and overall I thought things were going good. So of course Julia starts throwing up last night! Poor baby! I took her with me to do Activity days and she was going to go with another mom so that I didnt have to worry about her. She throws up 4 times at the church before Evan was able to get there. And then kept throwing up all night long. She hardly got any sleep, which in return means I got hardly any sleep. However, I do feel somewhat energized...hopefully at 2:00 I feel the same way. So here is hoping I get all the things done that I need too.

So my poor sick little one wanted me so badly last night but I had to stay at the church (responsibilites and all). When I got home...she was passed off to me and everyone else went to bed. I told her that I was going to get her a drink of sprite and that I would be right back. But of course that didnt fly so I take her in set her on the counter and she starts puking...while she is puking I am trying to get her drink and it 2 liter squirts all over the room. So I left the mess and took care of her. Surprise everyone...all you stuff is sticky this morning!

So today I am going to make a cake from scratch...because fondant icing works better on a specific type of cake. So I have to get that done, laundry, clean up the upstairs of my house, and deep clean the basement part of our house. And then go around a wipe off all the areas that Julia might have touched. And dont forget I have to mop up the pop mess I made last night! I didnt get my scriptures read last night and I was thankful that I have been reading them in the morning as well...that way I didnt have to go a day without reading them. Despite the set back with the sick child I think today will be a productive day!

Monday, April 26, 2010

One day down!

So one day of trying to increase the Spirit in my home has been complete. I started my day reading the Book of Mormon (going to try to read it all in 6 months), and then played primary songs for everyone to wake up too. Started off kind of the same with cranky Julia, she doesnt like being woken up, and got better from there. Maddelyn got up, got ready, and could have left for school an hour early. There was no hair drama, fighting me to get ready and not play. It was all business. And she was pleasantly surprised that she was able to have so much play time before school when she got it all done at once.

I went to work out and I found that I had a great attitude (despite the lack of energy that I was feeling) I got in got a great work out in...even pushed myself a little bit with some sprints! I am pretty happy with how it is all falling together. Of course it wasnt perfect. I lost some momentum when I got done with my work out. And then got back into my cleaning and it started to pick up. I still need to work on keeping calm when it isnt all going as planned and not getting frustrated with them following me around making more mess in areas that I already cleaned.

But I feel that I am getting somewhere in making my home a happy home. I really want to set a standard for my family so they know the direction that they should go. I really like not having all the drama that comes with contention.

The most favorite moment of my day today was when Julia wanted to help me place the books back on the shelves after dusting. She was all about organizing them and putting them in the places that I wanted them to go. She kept saying "Oh I have more books in my room....just one second!" Such a little spit fire!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Little Red Hen

I remember reading the story of The Little Red Hen when I was in elementary school. Who would have thought that years later I would be able to relate to it. I think that all mothers can relate to this story. This weekend the story came back to me as I got ready for the annual garage sale. I prepped for the sale by myself, I set up mostly by myself ( I did force my oldest to help move tables), I sat there all day long by myself, and then when it was all over I cleaned up by myself. Too bad I cant take all the money made and just buy something for myself! I did take the family out to eat so that was a nice treat not to have to cook and clean up by myself again.

It is funny how stories can ring true every now and again. As a mom I do a lot of things by myself and then share in the reward. But that is the way that the story ends and that is the way it should end in my house. I do wish that I would have done a better job teaching my children to clean up after themselves...hopefully it is not too late.

This was not the only reflective moment I had this weekend. Priorities have been a little out of sorts for the past few months with me and my kids are reflecting it. My oldest was having a drama youngest was mirroring her...I was about to start my own drama fit if I had to listen to it for one second longer! And then I started singing Primary songs. The drama continued...I kept husband escaped out the front door! Then I put a CD in that played some primary songs. And slowly I start seeing my 3 year old start to dance. And then my 7 year old she starts to dance and the spirit in my home changed. I came up the stairs from switching the laundry and watched them dance together. Tears came to me and I was so grateful to have been influenced by the spirit to start singing those songs. It is exactly what I need to end the weekend wipe away all the frustration of doing everything by myself. I love my kids and how sweet they can be towards each other and other people. I am grateful to have been born into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and to have the gift of the Holy Ghost. And that I can share that love with my Children. What I took most from this weekend was that I need to do more....even though I feel like I do a lot...I need to put more of an effort into influencing the Spirit in my home. So I better go and get busy with that!