Monday, January 25, 2010


I have been guilty of saying "I am caught up with laundry". Every few weeks I get it all done and jump for joy because I am finally to the point where I dont have anymore to wash. Truth is when you say that you are just lying to yourself! There is no catching up with laundry! It is something that will always be there. I have a family of 4, in one day we accumulate 4 pants, 4 shirts, maybe a few additional sweaters (knowing me), 8 socks, 4 things of underwear, 4 towels, peed in sheets or the pee mat, any blankets that get peed on, and then any addition clothes that the kids wear due to outfit changes, spills or pee pee pants. Right there alone that has to be over 2 loads of laundry a day! A Day! Oh my goodness! So realistically, I can never ever say that I have caught up on laundry.

So how do I manage these loads of laundry? I have tried the whole wash laundry in one day thing...doesnt work for me I have to wash at least one load everyday anyway with the pee pee sheets. So what works best for me, a functioning messy person? Through my 10 years of being married I have learned that I have to wash at least 2 loads of laundry every day.

Today, however, I have to make up for what I didnt do while I was sick last week. So far I have washed and folded 3 loads of laundry. Today is make of up day so I will try to get in as many loads as I can...but I wont lie to myself and say that I am caught up....because clearly that cant be done!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Still working!

I havent posted in a while, but I dont want you to think that I havent been working. I have kept myself pretty busy and so I have not had time to post anything. Added bonus is that we are down to one car. Yikes! Which means those 6 bags that I have to take to Good Will are still havent been taken down there. And the bags and bags of garbage are piling up in the garage.

But for the most part Maddelyns room is done. I still have to go and label the toy bins and scrub the pencil off of the wall....but it is clean and has been maintained (by my 7 year old)! But the good news doesnt end there. They both have maintained the 3 year olds room too! I am loving it and I am super proud of them!

One thing that I think is important when you are organizing things, is that you use what you have first. I have taken all of the plastic boxes that I have and stacked them. So far it has helped because I have used them for my ribbon and craft stuff. Yay! I still need somethings to keep it all together.

Today I will be finishing up the downstairs and finishing the labels on Maddelyn's room.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Task 4

This is the next project that I am working on. I think that it will take about the same amount of time as Julia's room Only difference is that I cant rearrange it...the furniture is too heavy for me to move by myself. But the project is in motion...I'll keep you posted!

She was not happy to be in the room while I was taking these pictures...she said "You better not post these on facebook!" I wont be posting these on facebook...just here. Now back to work for me!

Task number 3

Wow! Cleaning up Julia's room took me a lot longer than I thought it would. Of course during that time I had to make and do other things. It is hard when you are trying to clean and organize but you have a whole life to run along with it. So lets start with a visual of what I started with.
Yikes! What a mess right! Can you believe what I had to start with. So much to do...I cant believe I let it get this bad. The floor was really just the beginning. If you look the doll house is trashed all of the furniture is covered with something. Totally crazy!

One hour later the room looked like this!

And then hours and hours and a day passed and I finally got to the point where the floor was clean. I cleared the room and decided to do it up right with a cleaned carpet. I shampooed the floor and made it sparkle but before I did that it looked like this.

And I even had a little help when it came to the final clean up. And then when I got everything moved back in and put together I heard from my daughter. "Thanks for making my bed beautiful." And it does look great. It is amazing how a truly clean room makes you feel. There is a certain peace in her room now...and I love it! An added bonus is that it has stayed clean thus far. In fact I took these pictures this morning.
I am pretty happy with the results of it all. And the added bonus of it all is that Julia is sleeping in her own room by herself. Not only have I start to clean out the closets and rooms I am now working on the bad habits that we have established in the girls as well. And so far so good. We are sleeping in our beds and pooping in the potty...Life is pretty good!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Kids Closets

Things went great yesterday with the kids closets. I got both of them done with in an hour. I doubt anyone will noticed them but I got them done! And that is what I really wanted to make sure I did. Today's task will be Julia's room. I think the most frustrating thing about this is that I know that this is going to last, at the most, one day! But if I organize then hopefully they will help me maintain.

As I was cleaning out the closets yesterday I got to thinking about all the things that I need to do. I have 4 more closets, 1 pantry, 1 large garage, under the basement storage, laundry room, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 family room, 1 living room, 1 kitchen, 1 dining room and one entry way to do. Not all of those will be really bad. My living room and dining room are really things that I just have to keep maintaining.

So now I need to get to my list and figure out what I am going to do with my daughters room. Yippie! So much fun ahead for me today!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Challenge!

A new year has come around and I am not one to really make a new year resolution. But over Christmas I really tried to evaluate my life and what I needed to do to make it better for myself and my family. And with that I have decided to set a goal for myself...not a resolution but a goal that I want to achieve with in the year. I started this blog to reveal myself...and to help myself get over my challenges so that is what I am going to do with it.

I realized that I am 2 different people. One of me likes things clean and organized. The other me is creative and likes to make things and with making those things comes messes. The problem with that is that those 2 women cannot find harmony together. I am either one or the other...they never seem to mesh. My goal for this year is to find balance with those two women. I want to enjoy what comes with being crafty and creative but also I want to become super organized with my house. I think that if I can mesh these two women into one that I will become the kind of woman, wife, and mother that I want to be.

So at this point you may be asking yourself what am I going to do about it? Well I am going to start by cleaning out the closets. I think that I need to start with the organization...since there isnt much of that right now...and then work on the rest of it. So tomorrows goal is to clean out my kids closets. Doesnt sound like a lot of fun but we'll make it work. Oh and one more thing...if you read earlier posts you might discover some other problems that I have...I have to do this all while being thrifty! So any suggestions are appreciated it!