Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Taking Time

The past couple weeks have been a blur. I did 2 craft shows for my bows, which meant a lot of time preparing for them. Plus you add the household chores and who has time for kids! My poor poor kids got ignored and pushed to their limits I'm sure. One thing that I notice with my kids when they need attention is that they get really whiny and start acting out. Frustration sets in with me and then I get more and more irritated with them because I have so much to do and I just want them to entertain themselves. And to top it off we have had a week off of school for Maddelyn and so then I had two to deal with instead of the one.

Today was our first day back to normal. Maddelyn went off to school, which made her super happy! And Julia and I got back into our routine. I started cleaning and she was watching something on TV. Just when she had reached her limit of being alone she asked me to sit down and watch a show with her. Just then I realized how silly it would be for me not to spend 15 minutes watching a show with her. So what if the dryer is done and needs switched. So what if I need to sweep downstairs. She needs me and wants to spend some time with me. So I sat down and watched her show. Then she was content. How much time do I waste telling her leave me alone I need to get this done? When all I need to do is sit down and spend 15 minutes with her. So all I need to remember is to take a time out with my kids and I think that our home will be a much happy place.